Hardwood Flooring

Expert Advice on Hardwood Floors for Homeowners

Hardwood flooring is the most popular flooring in North America; followed very closely by wood floor look a-likes such as porcelain tile and luxury vinyl plank (both fine floor options). But there is something just so timeless and classic about hardwood floors. They scream elegance and longevity. While certain stain colors come in and out of trend, the ability to change the wood floor stain color is extremely appealing to homeowners. Hardwood floors are trend adaptable- unlike other floor options on the market.

Hardwood flooring does require a certain level of care and maintenance to ensure its integrity and long lasting life. I am so excited to announce that I, along with many other flooring pros, have been featured in a fantastic article on Porch.com

The article “Expert Advice for Homeowners about Common Hardwood Flooring Questions” lists and answers so many questions that flooring professionals are asked on a daily basis.

I was asked “How to Deep Clean/Disinfect Hardwood Floors.” We all know I am adamant about the way hardwood floors are cared for; so adamant that I’ve written quite a few articles on this topic alone. With the recent events of this pandemic, I thought surely this was the perfect question to have been asked and answered. I would love for you all to read not only my answer, but also the questions and answers from the wonderful other professionals that were selectively chosen for this article.

If you are interested in a more in-depth read about caring for and maintaining your hardwood flooring feel free to check out of couple of posts I’ve written.

Hardwood Floor Care and Maintenance

How to Care for Hardwood Flooring