
Want to refinish your floors, but don’t know where to store all that furniture? We have a solution:

The most convenient time to sand and refinish existing hardwood floors is probably before you move into your new home.  There’s no furniture to move, no pets to relocate while the process is taking place, and you don’t have to come home to quarantined rooms and the smells of stain and polyurethane.  These are some of the reasons why so many homeowners have come to dread the thought of refinishing their hardwood floors.

Our expert  professionals are dedicated to helping all of our clients through the refinishing process, every step of the way.  We strive to make the refinishing process as easy on you (and your pets) as possible.  So if you’re already living in your home and are looking to refinish your hardwood floors, rest assured, we have the answers for all the little details and issues that may arise.

Sanding and refinishing the majority of a home, or an entire home is no simple task.  There are a lot of details to iron out, and scheduling to put in place.  One of the most frequently asked questions we receive, when consulting a client on refinishing their floors is “What am I going to do with all this furniture?”   And that’s a very reasonable question, but we can assure you that we always figure out a solution that benefits everyone.

For example:

One of our more recent refinishing projects was the sanding and refinishing of a moderately sized single family home.  The home consisted of a second floor with 3 bedrooms, hallway, stair treads, and a first floor kitchen, dining and living room; all which had existing solid hardwood flooring. For a situation like this, where all of the furniture in the home needed to be moved out, we recommended the homeowner use a POD for storage.

PODS are storage containers that are delivered to your home and placed on your property, allowing all the time you need for the sanding and refinishing project to be completed.  Using a POD for storing your furniture is really convenient for both the homeowners and our flooring professionals.  The furniture is safe, still on site, and doesn’t have to be stacked in a garage or basement where it could get damaged. PODS come in 3 different sizes for your convenience.  For a reasonable fee, the furniture-issue that seemed overwhelmingly unsolvable, is now just a memory and everyone can focus on the task at hand; giving you some beautiful hardwood floors.  You can choose to move the furniture yourself, or our flooring team can assist you.  We only ask that the loose, breakable items be removed from the furniture prior to us moving it for you.

Another question we often receive before refinishing an entire home is, “Can we stay in the home during the finishing process?”  The answer to this differs with each home.  For example, during the refinishing project I mentioned above, the homeowners had a finished basement where they were able to reside throughout the entire process, making it a pretty easy adjustment for them.  They were able to see the process step by step, and view the drastic transformation of their hardwood floors.

Here’s another example where the situation was a bit different – We recently completed another project where our flooring professionals completely replaced all the hardwood flooring in the entirety of a home.  For this project, similar to my first example, all of the furniture needed to be removed from the home.  In this case, our flooring team helped move the homeowners furniture into their garage for storing.  Once the project started, the homeowners, instead of staying in a hotel, opted to go on vacation, returning to beautiful, brand new hardwood floors throughout their home.  Our flooring team proceeded to remove all of the old hardwood flooring, added a much needed layer of plywood to the original subfloor, installed new unfinished hardwood, and after completing the finishing process, installed new base and shoe molding, totally transforming the home.  Our flooring team even moved the majority of the furniture back into the home so that the owners could arrive home to a completed final product, ready to be lived in and enjoyed.

As you can see, these were two different examples where, even though the issues of where to stay, and where to move the furniture seemed to be major ones, our experienced flooring pros have a solution for just about every circumstance that may come up.  As an added convenience to all our clients, we use our dustless containment system at no additional cost, to further assure a clean and beautiful final product.